1. catch the chicken ... (chicken walks randomly across various areas. When you see it, try to catch it. If you click on it, once, it makes a noise, twice in a row it will lay an egg. It should appear throughout the website at various intervals and for short time only) (If the egg is clicked - sparkles shoot, get sent to a foster/adopt a chicken, chicken facts, random activity)
  2. leaf identification game
  3. find the difference snow
  4. Backpack weight game (showing two ways you can play - recursive or bottom-up. Recursive - heaviest first/ bottom-up combinations - see explanation in math-camping)
  5. Dijkstra's Algorithm based game
  6. map making
  7. sewing patterns
  8. take apart puzzle
  9. grid-games similar to Educational Services Australia
  10. Bird-call listening game (Activity! Listening to Bird Songs This activity is two fold - the first is to listen to the same bird make various calls - mating calls, warning calls, greetings, territorial and so on. Second - Different birds.)
